Great Ap if you use an OS or iOS.
On the Menu: NOTES Tab, Please Reassign the Hyperlink from Page No to Highlighted text. :)
I’ve been working on my first book and had gone through several revisions. I recently updated the same book on IBA and viewed it on iBooks.
On the NOTES tab, a revision retains items that had been highlighted - This is great!! It also retains the actual Page # when the highlight was saved.
However, my revision moved the text to a different page so when I click on the link which is the Page No, the link takes me to that page, but the text is
missing because the revision relocated it.
On the NOTES tab, can the hyperlink be on the Highlighted Text instead of the Page No? And can the Page No be replaced so it Echos or shows
the actual or current page number where the highlighted text is located.
Much Thanks and Keep up the great work! :)
The NOTES Tab is an underexplored/undervalued Function. A lot of Time/Thought/Energy is save from this Tool. I hope a revision can be made to
restore the much needed Functional Use. :)
Robosso about
iBooks Author, v2.4.1